Tender Hearts Child Care & Learning Center
Each Classroom is equipped with Ipads that are used as a learning tool and as a way of communicating with your child's teacher.
Contact Us: 401-736-8844
935 Jefferson Blvd. Suite 1001, Warwick, RI 02886, USA

Our Programs

Day Care Programs

Infant and Crawlers

(6 weeks to 18 months) need a safe world that is rich in opportunities to actively explore and enjoy their new world. They love to use their senses and develop their motor skills. They are learning to navigate the ups and downs, over and under of the physical world. Our staff will make sure that your baby's skills will be developed based upon their age specific needs.
Appropriate daily activities can include:
  • Large and small motor experiences such as grasping, holding, learning to crawl, gripping and reaching
  • Sensory experiences through touching different textures
  • Cognitive development such as problem solving, spatial relationships, and cause and effect
  • Language development through having songs sung to them, adult-child conversation, books being read to them, classical music being played in the background.
  • Social development through one-on-one with a staff member, playing with peers and going for daily outdoor buggy rides
Father and Little Daughter Playing - Learning center in Warwick, RI

In our Infant Room, we will make sure that we follow your schedule and keep you informed as to everything that your baby did during the day. Daily reports will be sent home as well as photos sent by the Ipad.

Each child will acquire their development skills (fine motor, gross motor, language, cognitive, self-help and social) at their own pace. Our staff is trained to assist your child in every stage of development. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to ask us.

What an Infant Needs To Bring To Our Facility The First Day:
Diapers, wipes, rash ointment, powder, bottles containing pre-made formula or breast milk, cereal and/or food, 2 to 3 changes of clothing (season appropriate), crib sheet, blanket, fever reducer/pain reliever, sunscreen and hat when applicable. (Please make sure that all items brought to our facility are labeled. We are not responsible for lost or missing items. Thank you.)

What a Crawler Needs To Bring To Our Facility The First Day:
Diapers, wipes, rash ointment, fever reducer/pain reliever, lunch and snacks, 2 changes of clothing (season appropriate), crib sheet, blanket and sunscreen. Summer months may require a bathing suit, water shoes, hat and towel for water play. Winter months may require snowsuit, boots, hats and gloves for playing in the snow. (Please make sure that all items brought to our facility are labeled. We are not responsible for lost or missing items. Thank you.)

Class size, ages of children and teacher/child ratios are in accordance with the rules and regulations of DCYF and the Rhode Island Department of Education.

For Infants, ages 6 weeks-12 months, there is one teacher for every four children.

For Crawlers, ages 13 months -18 months, there is one teacher for every four children.


Toddlers (18 months to 3 years) are an exciting group. These children are exploring their environment by using all five senses. The world revolves around them and they are the center of their universe. At this stage they are exploring to see how much they can control and what the limits are. The words “yes” and “no” become powerful to them as it allows them to take ownership of their own boundaries. With gentle guidance from our parents and staff, we can help to form limits of control which are compatible with the needs of others as well as themselves.

Learning a specific concept occurs when an activity is repeated over and over again. We make sure that while the Toddler is striving to master a challenge/concept we make the process fun and exciting. Each week, a specific “theme,” “color” and “shape” will be introduced to the children. On a daily basis, art projects, songs, games and dramatic play will be incorporated into activities.
Young Mom Playing With Baby - Learning center in Warwick, RI
Each child will acquire their developmental skills (fine motor, gross motor, language, cognitive, self-help and social) at their own pace. Our Older Toddler Room is also our potty training room. Once you feel your child is ready, we will work alongside with you, the parent, to help make this a smooth process in training. Our staff is trained to assist your child in every stage of development. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to ask us.

What a Toddler Needs To Bring To Our Facility The First Day:
Diapers, wipes, rash ointment, fever reducer/pain reliever, lunch and snacks, 2 changes of clothing (season appropriate), crib sheet, blanket and sunscreen. Summer months may require a bathing suit, water shoes, hat and towel for water play. Winter months may require snowsuit, boots, hats and gloves for playing in the snow. (Please make sure that all items brought to our facility are labeled. We are not responsible for lost or missing items. Thank you.)

Class size, ages of children and teacher/child ratios are in accordance with the rules and regulations of DCYF and the Rhode Island Department of Education.

For Young Toddlers, ages 18 months ­-24 months, there is one teacher for every six children.
For Middle Toddlers, ages 24 months - 30 months, there is one teacher for every six children.
For Older Toddlers, ages 30 months ­-36 months, there is one teacher for every six children.


Preschoolers (3 – 5 years) are becoming more autonomous as they improve their fine and gross motor skills daily with a little help from our staff. Being able to put on and take off their own jacket, feeding themselves without many spills, and using the bathroom are all part of becoming independent from adults.

Play is a very important part of a Preschoolers day because it offers each child an excellent opportunity for language development. Using their imagination to transform an appliance box into the space shuttle or turn the room into a rain forest are methods we love to use. Participating in dramatic play, playing with a group or even enjoying a quiet moment in a cozy corner all contribute to a child's growth.

During their preschool years, children will learn that letters have meaning and that reading is a fun activity. We introduce our students to phonics by playing games and singing songs about the alphabet. Math is taught using the calendar, playing games, singing songs and opening up a “farmer's market.” All preschool classrooms are equipped with computers with ABCMouse.com.

  • 3 year olds will be introduced to the alphabet via songs, letter recognition and art projects. This also a fine motor skill room, where they are learning to hold their pencils, crayons and scissors correctly.
  • 4 year olds will be introduced to writing only upper case letters and the beginning sounds in phonics, recognizing these letters in their own names and other print rich material.
  • Pre-K will begin to write lower case letters, learn the ending sounds in phonics while continuing to use upper case letters and beginning sounds as a review.
Each child will acquire their development skills (fine motor, gross motor, language, cognitive, self-help and social) at their own pace. Our staff is trained to assist your child in every stage of development. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to ask us.

What a Pre-schooler Needs To Bring To Our Facility the First Day:
Change of clothing (season appropriate), crib sheet for cots, small blanket, fever reducer/pain reliever and sunscreen. Summer months may require a bathing suit, water shoes, hat and towel for water play. Winter months may require snow suit, boots, hat and gloves for playing in the snow. (Please make sure that all items brought to our facility are labeled. We are not responsible for lost or missing items. Thank you.)

Class size, ages of children and teacher/child ratios are in accordance with the rules and regulations of DCYF and the Rhode Island Department of Education.

For 3 Year Olds, who must be 3 by September 1st and fully potty trained, there is one teacher for every nine children.

For 4 Year Olds, who must be 4 by September 1st, there is one teacher for every ten children.

For Pre-Kindergartners, who must be 4 ½ years by September 1st, there is one teacher for every ten children

Day to Day

At Tender Hearts Child Care and Learning Center, we are sensitive to each child's social, emotional, intellectual and physical needs. We provide developmentally appropriate programs for each age group that focuses on learning and helps each child to have successful experiences. If we can help children to develop a love for learning early in their lives, then we have laid the foundation for later success in school.

Daily schedules -are posted on bulletin boards in each room. They include art projects, circle time, snacks, indoor and outdoor activities and naps. A monthly event calendar will be sent home regularly.

Rest periods -are each day after lunch. Cots are provided, but the family must provide a sheet and small blanket for their child's comfort. (All bedding must go home every Friday to be washed and brought back to school, clean, the following Monday.) The length of the nap varies by age group and is listed on the classroom schedule.

Clothing -should be comfortable and suitable for weather conditions. We recommend sneakers for outdoor play. Children in toilet training classrooms should wear clothing that is easy for them to manage in the bathroom. Please, no belts! If a child comes to school wearing jewelry, we cannot be responsible for loss or damage. There is also a potential danger of earrings and necklaces getting caught on something or accidentally being pulled on by another child.

Birthday -celebrations are welcome at the center. Parents can provide special food and organize a brief activity. We need one week's notice of what is being planned and we need it to occur in the morning.

Snacks and Menu

Snacks  should be sent in daily with your child and are offered twice a day during ­morning and afternoon. Please do not send in candy & soda. Parents of infants must provide all of the child's food and bottles. Bottles must come in pre-made and be placed in the refrigerator; parents must send these in daily. please insure all snacks and bottles are labeled with your child's name.

Lunches are to be brought in each day from home . Please insure all lunches are labeled with your child's name and placed in the refrigerator.
As a reminder, Tender Hearts is a nut-free center.

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